Athens, 3-4 May, 2012 Day2, Track1, 18:00-18:50 "Advances in BeEF: RESTful API, WebSockets, XssRays enhancements", Michele Orru "Advances in BeEF: RESTful API, WebSockets, XssRays enhancements" BeEF Demo Using the BeEF restuful api 1. beef programatically accessing metasploit 2. injects beef into some victim browser 3. inject an applet, then use the javascript to java communication to ge tthe hava version based on the hdk 4. then in meterpreter sysinfo to get the system info 5. then inject the "execute calc.exe" in the victim's machien thru the injjected java applet New additions ajax calls posioning (xml request object is overriding) the module can have the target+_blank not to lose the victim getting the Persistence (history) from the civtim vrowsaer New feature (in a testing branch - to be added soon) websocket support currently beef uses XHR, but for speed needs websocket XHR in beef pro - works everywhere (ie, chrome) cons - (TODO) if beef.browser.hasWebSocket(), don't use XHR pollin, open a websocket channel support: firefox, chrome, safari, also mozwebsocket - the experimental phase Possibilities with WS real time VNC like hooked browser control faster tunneling proxy (fuzzin thru the hooked browser 4-5 times faster) general faster communication Demo - BeEF with WS launch 1000 XHR-polling vs WS-based request XssRays originally as pure JS-based XSS scanner, then integarted in beef xssrays operation a page with links/forms which do get/post request intra or cross domain it adds the hidden iframe for each of the requests if the iframe is loading, then the resource was XSS-vulnerable it also works CROSS-DOMAINS (respecting the SOP!)